More than three decades after its inception, the ad agency formerly known as HZDG embarks on a new journey as Notorious111. According to a release, “this reinvention marks a new level of independence and a commitment to partnering with brands who want to make an impact. Originally founded in 1987, the agency has now been acquired by the five executives who are setting a bold new course for the future as Notorious111.
“The transformation of Notorious111 has been driven by the ambitious vision of the leaders who collaboratively reacquired the agency, setting a precedent for female leadership in the creative industry by the new ownership team” which is composed of:
– Katie Hooper is Chief Executive Officer
– Justine Henning is Chief Client Officer
– Nicole Wyche as Chief Strategy Officer
– Deena Smith as Chief Operating Officer
– Winnie Lee as Chief Finance Officer
As the first priority, the leaders brought on Brandon Rochon as Chief Creative Officer, to spearhead the creative evolution of Notorious111.
“The launch of Notorious111 is not just a change of name—it’s a recommitment to our core values of ensuring that our partners stand out and make a true impact.” said Katie Hooper, CEO of Notorious111. “Our process thrives on collaboration and partnership to bring compelling stories to life through visual, experiential, and immersive storytelling. We want to empower brands to make a big impact and feel a responsibility to improve the overall quality of brand storytelling in the world.”
PHOTO (LtoR): Justin Song Henning, Katie Hooper, Nicole Wyche, Winnie Lee and Deena Smith