After nearly a week’s worth of stories about the departure of chief creative officer Joe Alexander amid a series of sexual harassment claims, the leadership of The Martin Agency issued an all-staff memo today promising to “get better,” states Adweek, which added that the note, “written by CEO Matt Williams and president and COO Beth Rilee-Kelley of the Richmond, Va., agency, also clarifies that Alexander was forced out by leadership, rather than resigning by choice as he told Adweek.
““The past year has revealed some painful but important truths about workplaces all over America,” the all-staff note reads. “Now it’s happened here.”
“It continues: “We’re deeply sorry that any of you ever felt unsafe or unheard. The behavior that Martin’s former CCO, Joe Alexander, is accused of is inexcusable. That’s why the only alternative was for him to leave The Martin Agency. That decision was ours.””