Shonali Burke – president and CEO of Shonali Burke Consulting, adjunct faculty at The Johns Hopkins University and instructor at Rutgers University – will teach a free, live, online mini-training course on “how to unleash your social PR superhero,” Nov. 13, 14 and 15, 2-3 p.m., ET, with a 24-hour replay for registrants.
“The question that PR has been trying to answer for decades is how do you effectively bridge the space between your organization and its publics?” said Burke. “Today, the power to do that is literally a keystroke away, yet 1.5 decades into the 21st century, most of us still don’t do it.”
A PR veteran with agency stints including Charles Zukow Associates, Ruder Finn and MSLGROUP; Burke also served as the ASPCA’s vice president for media & communications – her handling of the 2007 pet-food recall and Michael Vick case are still used as best practice case studies.
Burke’s inner geek found a home in social media early on, refining her approach to the discipline, which she describes as “social PR.”
“What I mean by ‘social PR,’” said Burke, “is an approach that harnesses the power of online communities to build relationships that translate into increased awareness, trust, reputation and, ultimately, bottom-line results.”
In other words, Burke continued, “you communicate your message to the audience that matters using the power of conversation. Your story is so much more believable when other people tell it, with passion, and from their point of view, than if you’re the only one telling it. Why do by yourself what others can willingly help you with … if you set it up right?”
To learn more about how to unleash your social PR superhero and to register, click here.