AMADC’s signature Mentor Program is now accepting applications for the 2017-18 year (only 20 spots available for mentors and protégés).
Under the sponsorship of the Washington DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP)—the eight-month program is focused on building relationships that foster sharing, learning, and career growth and will officially kick off October 4th (with an orientation and a social) and will conclude with an end-of-year celebration event at the end of April 2018. Mentors and protégés will both benefit from flexible scheduling and ongoing support that allows for real career building and first-rate networking (including complimentary access to all AMADC events and programming!).
Seats are limited. Mentor and protégé applications are accepted on a rolling basis and must be submitted by September 17 to be considered for the 2017-2018 program. Learn more and fill out an application here >>