
Home » D.C. Agency Updates: LUNA+EISENLA, Banner Public Affairs and Reservoir Communications Group

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D.C. Agency Updates: LUNA+EISENLA, Banner Public Affairs and Reservoir Communications Group

by | Aug 20, 2015

LUNA+EISENLA media added the Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration (ORAM), the only international organization devoted solely to advocating on behalf of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) refugees fleeing persecution due to sexual orientation or gender identity. According to LUNA+EISENLA, their work will focus on raising the visibility of ORAM and its activities through aggressive communications and media awareness, including developing thought-leadership efforts in the international human rights and LGBT arenas.  LUNA+EISENLA will begin their work with ORAM ahead of the first-ever United Nations Security Council meeting focused on LGBT human rights.

Banner Public Affairs in D.C. added aerospace and defense industry expert Mike Reilly, formerly of FleishmanHillard’s D.C. office where he led campaigns for technology and telecommunications clients serving the public-sector markets; and Sarah Sicard, a former journalist with National Defense magazine where she covered such areas as unmanned systems and cybersecurity, and was formerly an analyst with Bloomberg Government.  In addition, the firm promoted media relations lead Jen Tumminio to senior vice president, social media lead Lynn Stinson to vice president, Molly Sheerer to senior account executive, Angela Brown to senior account executive, Tkeyah Lake to digital advocacy campaign counselor and John Benjamin to account coordinator.

Reservoir Communications Group announced that Molly Millerwise Meiners will join the firm effective October 12 as managing director in the D.C. headquarters.   Meiners, most recently director, corporate communications at CitiGroup, Inc., will lead the firm’s work in financial services and advise clients on advocacy and reputation.

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