
Home » News Anchor Sarah Simmons Leaves “Troubled” WTTG in D.C., Says FTVLive

Capitol Communicator reports that after 15 years on the air, Sarah Simmons becomes the latest to leave WTTG in Washington, DC.

News Anchor Sarah Simmons Leaves “Troubled” WTTG in D.C., Says FTVLive

by | Mar 23, 2021

Another news anchor has left “troubled” WTTG in D.C.,” reports FTVLive, which adds that “after 15 years on the air, Sarah Simmons becomes the latest to leave the station.

“Simmons follows the recent departures of Allison Seymour, Shawn Yancy, and Blake McCoy out the door at the station.

“Simmons anchored the stations 5, 6, and 11 pm news.

“With Simmons now gone, the station is down two main-anchors, both her and McCoy, who the station has never officially announced is gone from WTTG.

“She signed off on Friday (March 19, 2021) and so far there is no mention of her next move. Her co-anchor Jim Lokay posted about his co-anchor leaving and of course, he still felt the need to say that he would still be around anchoring the news.”

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  1. Ellen

    so sad 😞 because there are people out there who are much better than that one new black woman anchor from Georgia you need to ditch her Also it appears that your morning anchors do not look like me at all so sad 😞 so sickening 🤮 why don’t you just report the news and stop trying to have cheer leaders yelling at you at 5:30 AM Also stop whining about the weather when it is cooler yeah 🛑 it just report the weather And 🛑 complaining because it is not 112 degrees with 99 percent humidity if it is a bit cooler here for a couple of days Do is all a favor and just move back to Georgia or whoever you came from no one cares about your complaining no one wants to hear 👂 your nasty comments SuePalka is great very professional one of the very few at your station who is outstanding

    • Mao

      Wow. Having trouble hiding your racism there, aren’t you? Nice…

      • KDenise

        Seems so SMH I wasn’t expecting that at all

        • Linda

          Wow! Get a life!!!

      • Marlon Frazier

        You sound racist to me but she and Jennette need to go back where they came from wisdom hold that morning down for real

        • Linda

          Wisdom didn’t make the show. It should be accredited to all of them. Besides Wisdom was very argumental and a know it all.

        • Terry

          I agree

      • Geegee

        Ellen, you are a racist, nobody cares about your stinking comments.

    • Don Dunnuck

      So a news anchor has to LOOK LIKE YOU in order to report the news? And it’s sickening if they don’t? No one wants to hear your complaining or nasty comments sounds more like you trying to correct yourself, because you are the one with the nasty comments, that the majority of Fox 5 viewers disagree with judges by their ratings….are ya sure your name isn’t Karen? BTW..ya sound a bit racist, please stop giving us white folks a bad name please.

      • Chris

        I said the same thing!

        • Esther

          What IS wrong with Mellissa.
          She have name and it Mélissa.
          Go and look for something better to do.
          Because she is leaving her live and yourte not.
          Be nice, respectful, and that apply to you.
          We are All GOD children.

    • Nancy Clyburn

      Yea, a Sue Palka she is not and never will be!! All these new people (females) they have now are not what we are used too as Fox!! All they want to do is look good, or think they do, and get on TV – having the camera on them is all they want!! Send the whole bunch packing – find some folks like Allison, who went to CBS, I think I’m going to move on over to CBS and follow Allison – Holly is great (find some like Holly!! I put you guys on at 6 a.m. and was met by the best bunch of personalities and the best folks to start my say with – Holly, Steve, Tucker, Winston – those folks were the best to start your day with!! Where is Winston? What has happened to him – where did he go or has he left/retired? Loved Winston right along with Steve, Tuckèr, Holly! There are a couple others, can’t think right now – don’t know how I missed the news about Winston and wherevhe was going! Must have been back in late July – I was on vacation for a few says and then came back and missed him!!

      • Ducky

        Melissa, Winston, lol

  2. Tim

    It is a shame. I wish Sarah all the luck in the world . I thought she was a fox.I met Bob Barnard at a 7-11, should of got her number. Fox5’s format change sucks. Like it or Not- come on, quit your bitching. The morning is just as bad featuring nothing but fluff pieces. The new staff sucks.

  3. Robert Keyes

    You have these Great people leaving Fox5 there has to be some kind of a problem at Fox 5

  4. Betty

    Fox 5 changes employees like I change my underwear. The females dress like they are going out parting and short omg you can see up their dress when they sit almost to where the leg attaches to the body. I am sorry I do watch channel 4 a lot they dress and act very professional. On the morning fox 5 they all talk at the same time you dont even know what they said.

    • Yvonne

      Most not all 5 staff so juvenile! Also agreed some women so unaware showing too much while sitting

  5. Marlon Frazier 120@gmail.com

    Yes her back to goerga and the other girl Jennette need to go back where she came from she always just want to look pretty and she not there never really talking when a subject comes up standing there with that smirk on her face Holly and. Wisdom hold that morning Crew down and she got a nerve talking about missing all this she doesn’t have anything to miss Bonny as a rail

  6. marlonfrazier120@gmail.com

    What she got on Instagram has nothing to do with the news alot of people stop watching fox in the morning because of the incorrect changes Mathews is the best weather person I have ever seen on any news anywhere and they keep going around him why

  7. Priscilla Gray

    I really missed the days of Wisdom and Maureen . The morning crew they have there now is surely not wanting me to look at the show in the mornings. The change in the anchors have a lot people not wanting to watch anymore

  8. Sally

    If you all don’t like who’s on Fox 5 try watching another station. Your comments are ignorant and immature.

  9. Chris

    Fox five now sucks. It is so vanilla all you see is steve , Holly, Morris, and wack ass Tucker. Fox only keep’s Old stale vanilla reporters

  10. Mike

    Why are so many reporters leaving Fox5. It feels like it did when I was a kid and realized my favorite hometown NFL players didn’t stay with my team forever, they followed the money. USA9 seems to be harvesting my favorite reporters but there must a reason. Poor climate at Fox? More money elsewhere? Aside from the CBS migration, Steve C. Went to NBC then returned a couple of years ago, Tony P. Went to CBS then to NBC. Some just left. I don’t see as much flight from other stations.
    I still like Fox5 but find myself watching NBC and ABC more. Those stations seem to be a day ahead on many stories and more focused on hard news while Fox5 seems to have shifted to a more entertainment focused format.
    Any anonymous insiders care to enlighten us viewers?

  11. Thom colucci

    Who dresses these ladies?? Incredible!!

  12. Chaya

    It’s a great bunch at WTTG, but I want to know the TRUTH about why Rob Desir is not around & why Allison left.
    I never really liked Jeanette (cute Dominican married to the WJLA guy)
    She’s always throwing shade to Wisdom & other men of color that visit the show. I’m glad she’s gone & if she lied about her reason for leaving, please tell.
    Someone should leak the information to a TMZ reject or something if they don’t want to say it outright.

  13. Geo

    Fox 5 news reminds me of kindergarten, no one has “tot” them to speak one at a time then they get excited and they all start the high pitched squealing reminds me of being in a pig pen or chicken coop…at that point the dog leaves the room, he has more manners than these “ladies”.


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