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SKDKnickerbocker Acquires Sloane & Company

by | Feb 21, 2020

SKDKnickerbocker  has acquired Sloane & Company,  a corporate and financial communications firm, from MDC Partners. Under the transaction, Sloane will retain its current leadership structure and all key personnel and operate as an independent subsidiary of SKDK.

“This acquisition – the first in our history – makes perfect strategic sense,” said Josh Isay, CEO of SKDK. “We will now be able to offer our current and future clients best-in-class expertise in corporate and financial communications, transaction support and special situations work. Sloane will be able to offer its clients SKDK’s nationally recognized leadership in public affairs, in-house research and analytics, award-winning digital and traditional advertising strategy and creative, and enhanced C-suite media training and speech writing. Together, SKDK and Sloane will use our uniquely comprehensive suite of services to help clients around the country and across the globe.”

Darren Brandt and Whit Clay, who will continue to operate Sloane & Company as Co-CEOs, stated, “By coming together with SKDK we will be able to advance the distinctive approach, values and commitment to exceptional work that have defined our firm’s success – while providing our clients and partners access to the counsel and services of the best political and public affairs firm in the business. As we began to discuss the idea of a deal with SKDK’s leadership, it quickly became apparent that this was a perfect cultural fit and the right move for both of us. Our business has exceptional positive momentum coming out of 2019 and the time is right for our team to grow and capitalize on the many opportunities in front of us. We are even more excited about what we will be able to do in 2020 and beyond by joining SKDK.”

In an unrelated item, Jennifer Cunningham – one of the most powerful women in New York politics, states a media report – is exiting SKDKnickerbocker in March to travel and explore new challenges, according to an email sent to staffers.

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