
Home » Three Network Evening Newscast Viewerships Down, and Decline “Seems to be Growing”

Capitol Communicator has a MediaPost report that shows waning trust in mainstream TV news as political fervor and tribalism surge.

Three Network Evening Newscast Viewerships Down, and Decline “Seems to be Growing”

by | Mar 9, 2017

The three network evening newscasts have seen viewership declines vs. the same period last year. And that erosion only seems to be growing, reports TVNewser, which added:

“Looking at the week of Jan. 23, 2017 vs. the week of Jan. 25, 2016, ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News had lost a combined -503,000 viewers. By the week of Feb. 13, 2017 (vs. Feb. 15, 2016), the loss had doubled to 1 million viewers. And by last week, that loss had tripled, to a combined -1.6 million viewers, from the same week last year.

“So we wanted to know where those viewers are going during that 6pm ET hour, when the evening newscasts air in most markets in the Eastern and Central time zones.

“Some may be going to the PBS NewsHour which is up +11 percent in viewership vs. the same period last year. Others may be heading to cable. The big gainer there is MSNBC’s For the Record with Greta Van Susteren which gained 217,000 viewers (+19 percent) and 43,000 demo viewers (+31 percent) vs. the same week last year.”

For the full story, click here.

Meanwhile, states another media report, “NBC Nightly News Sunday with Kate Snow just had its best showing in more than two years.”


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