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Google Updates and Other Items of Interest

by | Dec 4, 2015

We all are busy and, sometimes, important items pass us by. Check out this collection of updates that you may have missed:

Google Breaks “The App Who Cried Wolf” Syndrome With An Important Update

Google is notorious for frequent algorithm updates. Their recent announcement that search engine capabilities will now reach beyond the web and into apps has a lot to say about the future of the search engine. Until now, Google was only capable of indexing content that appeared both within a mobile app and it’s corresponding website. This announcement means that Google’s search results will include “app first” content that only is found within apps. This update to Google’s software stems from recent studies showing the mobile browsing and app use will begin to outpace website use. This is a step forward for Google and means that web and app integration may be closer on the horizon than we thought.

Foursquare… Why Do We Care?

Apple snuck their new collaboration with Foursquare into the Acknowledgement Page of their Apple Maps application this past October. The business deal went largely unnoticed as there was no formal announcement between the two companies, only blogger speculation. Foursquare, the social media app which allows establishments to share information to users who “check-in” at a business location, has been struggling to find a strong follower base and as a result, split into two different apps in 2014. A relationship with Apple will provide the application with a large user boost and some much-needed positive publicity for the company, making Foursquare the app to watch for tapping into local marketing potential.

Google Analytics Rolls Out Calculated Metrics

Though there has been no official announcement post on Google’s blog, the new Calculated Metrics feature has officially been switched to “open beta” phase. Calculated Metrics allows users to create custom metrics reports by combining different metrics that already exist within Google Analytics. Google’s support page about Calculated Metrics features an example calculated metric where the “Revenue” metric is placed over the “User” metric to calculate “Revenue Per User”. Once out of beta, this tool will streamline the analytics process under Google’s umbrella.

Red is the New Black (Pinterest Red, that is)

With the holiday season nearing, businesses are turning to Pinterest to inspire holiday gift lists. The social media site recently published a consumer study on their blog which reported that in 2014, the time between Black Friday and Cyber Monday saw a 140% increase in “pins” and that 71% of these pins were fashion, home decor items and other products. This, along with other studies, have shown the effectiveness of merging online retail and social media. With online retailers merging their e-commerce capabilities through Pinterest’s “Buyable Pins”, who’s to say the rest of the holidays won’t receive the same traction?

We’re Googly-Eyed Over Google’s ‘In the Moment’ Updates

Google has taken its ‘Moments’ campaign to a new level with recent updates that seemto be geared at improving user experience ‘in the moment.’ Trying to improve your search ranking now? Start your weekend by reading up on Google’s recently updated Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Tired of your slow connection?Chrome Data Server app for Android, which is set to release first in India and Indonesia, uploads website content before images for those with slow connections. Like Pinterest but love Google images? Google is following in Pinterest’s steps and you can now save images on Google by starring them. Looking to buying a car? It doesn’t just stop there, check out Google’s new features up-to-date, which include a car loan calculator.

Is Your SEO Running On Location Fumes?

Google has removed location-based search because it seemed to be underutilized by users, but you can still check out some temporary ways to get around the update. If you’re a business who depends on local searches, think about turning the focus towards User Reviews to improve local SEO. After all, in 2015, 92% of consumers read online reviews and concluded that star rating is the #1 factor in determining a business’s credibility. Even more reason to improve SEO, the My Business Google team revealed that Clicks do determine your business search ranking. And while we’re on the topic of search ranking, apparently developing websites with the goal of user experience will put you in a great position (see what we did there?).


About the Author

Greg Kihlström

Greg is an award-winning digital strategist, creative director, author and speaker. He is currently SVP Digital at Yes& (a Capitol Communicator Sponsor) as of Fall 2017 when Carousel30, the agency he founded, was acquired.He has worked with brands such as AARP, AOL, Booz Allen Hamilton, Choice Hotels, GEICO, Howard University, Marriott, MTV, The Nature Conservancy, Porsche, Toyota, United Nations and others. His work has won awards from the ADDYs, Webbys and others, been featured in books by HarperCollins and Rockport Press, publications such as Advertising Age, Communication Arts, Web Designer and Website magazine.He currently serve as VP of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) District 2, and as a Board Member of the Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business Marketing Industry Mentoring Board (MIMB). He is Past President of AAF DC, and served on the National Board of AAF, Board of Trustees of the Trust for the George Washington Memorial Parkway, the Board of AIGA DC, and the Trust for the National Mall's National Advisory Board.


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