
Home » WWPR Announces 2016 Board

WWPR Announces 2016 Board

by | Feb 3, 2016

Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) announced its 2016 Board of Directors. The 2016 slate is:

  • President: Mara Vandlik, Smith & Company
  • Vice President: Kelly Mack, Environics Communications
  • Past President: Avelyn Austin, RepEquity
  • Treasurer: Sherri Core, Core Association Services
  • Secretary: Carly Whiteside, Powell Tate
  • Membership: Mary McGinty, US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
  • Sponsorship: Erin Flior, LEVICK
  • Website: Krystle Kopacz, Atlantic Media
  • Marketing & Communications Co-Chair: Jennifer Dunn, Business Wire
  • Marketing & Communications Co-Chair: Brittany Floyd, Burson-Marsteller
  • Professional Development Co-Chair: Neveah Bradshaw
  • Professional Development Co-Chair: Angela Barnett, Hager Sharp
  • Pro Bono Co-Chair: Bonnie Piper, Merrill Environmental, Inc.
  • Pro Bono Co-Chair: Denise Douglas, Community Advocates for Family and Youth
  • Emerging Leaders Awards Co-Chair: Andrea Huggins, AASHE
  • Emerging Leaders Awards Co-Chair: Jennifer Sherman, Speakerbox Communications
  • Woman of the Year Co-Chair: Danielle Veira, Nahigian Strategies
  • Woman of the Year Co-Chair: Elise Perkins, ep communications

“I am honored to serve as President of WWPR. I feel so lucky that I get to work side by side with this unbelievably talented and dedicated Board of Directors,” said 2016 President Vandlik. “I speak for the entire board when I say that we look forward to continuing to create a community of learning and networking using our signature events, professional development opportunities, and communications throughout the year.”

In addition to the new 2016 Board of Directors, WWPR is thrilled to announce our new 2016-2017 Advisory Council who will provide the Board of Directors strategic council and advice throughout their two-year term.

  • Mary LoJacono, Towers Watson
  • Debra Silimeo, Hager Sharp
  • Lauren Lawson-Zilai, Goodwill Industries International

“Our organization values and thrives through the strategic guidance provided by our Advisory Council members,” said 2016 WWPR Past President Austin. “Each individual has not only exceled in their career, but has also found time to contribute to the DC community as well as WWPR as a past board member, Washington PR Woman of the Year finalist, or honoree. We are fortunate for their volunteered time and insights.”

WWPR also announced it will continue to serve our pro bono client, Bright Beginnings. Bright Beginnings is a nationally-accredited child and family development center that offers a bright start for homeless infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families. Bright Beginnings serves over 185 children annually whose families are living in crisis shelters or transitional housing. Their educational, therapeutic, health and family support services prepares these children for kindergarten and stabilizes their families.

In photo (left to right): Back row: Sherri Core, Jennifer Sherman, Andrea Huggins, Brian Reich (Keynote), Avelyn Austin, Danielle Veira, Elise Perkins, and Mary McGinty. Front row: Angela Barnett, Kelly Mack, Mara Vandlik. Photo credit: Kate Perrin, CEO of PRofessional Solutions.

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Capitol Communicator

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