
Home » Amy Walter becomes owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report

Capitol Communicator reports that Amy Walter has become the owner, publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the D.C.-based Cook Political Report.

Amy Walter becomes owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report

by | Aug 3, 2021

Amy Walter has become the owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report. Moving forward, the D.C.-based newsletter will be called “The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter,” and will continue to feature analysis from its team of Walter, David Wasserman (Senior Editor, U.S. House of Representatives), Jessica Taylor (Editor, US Senate & Governors), alongside Cook’s popular weekly columns. Charlie Cook, who founded the Cook Political Report, will continue to offer his analysis through longtime partners National Journal and Leading Authorities.

Since 2013, Walter has served as national editor for the Cook Political Report. From 1998-2006, Walter served as U.S. House Editor. Walter is a featured analyst on the weekly segment “Politics Monday” on the PBS NEWSHOUR as well as for their special election and convention coverage; a frequent on-air analyst on popular national political shows — MEET THE PRESS (NBC), FACE THE NATION (CBS), INSIDE POLITICS & STATE OF THE UNION (CNN), SPECIAL REPORT (FOX); and is the former editor-in-chief of National Journal’s Hotline, political director of ABC News, and host of WNYC’s “Politics With Amy Walter.”

“To serve as the editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report is the honor of a lifetime,” said Walter. “For almost 25 years, Charlie Cook has been a mentor, friend and colleague. No one makes politics more approachable or understandable than Charlie. His love for the process and the people is infectious and deeply felt. No one can take his place, and I am excited for the opportunity to build on all that he has created.”

“While the newsletter was my idea, begun when I quit my Capitol Hill job, withdrew the $6,000 from my Senate employees retirement fund and a $10,000 bank loan co-signed by my late father-in-law,” Cook said, “the real credit for its success should go to the several dozen very talented and dedicated women and men who, over 37 years, built it to what it is today.”

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