
Home » Higher Logic releases 2023 Association Email Benchmark Report

Higher Logic releases 2023 Association Email Benchmark Report

by | Feb 9, 2024

Higher Logic, the industry-leading, human-focused engagement platform, announces the release of its 2023 Higher Logic Thrive Association Email Benchmark Report. The annual report summarizes email marketing metrics from approximately 1,500 organizations and nearly 2 billion emails sent in 2022 and 2023, specifically by associations located in the United States, Australia and Canada.

With new email requirements and data privacy regulations, the email marketing landscape continues to shift. By publishing this report, our goal is to provide association marketers with a valuable resource that allows them to evaluate their current email marketing program, so they can improve their email communication effectiveness moving forward,” states Rob Wenger, co-founder and CEO of Higher Logic.

Key insights from the 2023 Association Email Benchmark Report include:

  • Higher Logic customers continue to see an above industry standard deliverability rate with an average of 98.6%.
  • Average open rates increased from 34.4% in 2022 to 38.18% in 2023 – a metric likely due to residual effects of Apple Mail Privacy Protection features.
  • The day of the week with the highest average click rate in 2023 was Wednesday.
  • Messages sent as part of automated marketing campaigns had higher open and click rates than individual email sends.
  • Messages sent with dynamic content (I.e., content targeted to the recipient’s interest) had higher open and click rates.
  • Messages sent to segmented lists have lower unsubscribe rates.

In addition to exploring average email metrics and influencing factors, the 2023 Association Email Benchmark Report explores current trends such as new email requirements from Google (Gmail) and Yahoo (Yahoo Mail), data privacy regulations passing across the US and AI.

To download the complete report, visit HigherLogic.com.

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Capitol Communicator

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