
Home » Up Close and Personal: Getting to Know Scott Stephens, Executive Vice President of Bendure Communications

Up Close and Personal: Getting to Know Scott Stephens, Executive Vice President of Bendure Communications

by | Aug 24, 2015


Capitol Communicator is running a series featuring profiles of communicators in the mid-Atlantic.  In this “up close and personal” profile, we feature Scott Stephens of Middleburg, VA-based Bendure Communications. Photography for this series is by Cade Martin; wardrobe styling by Pascale Lemaire for THE Artist Agency; and hair and makeup by Patti D Nelson and Janice Kinigopoulos for THE Artist Agency.

Scott, please provide a short bio. 

As executive vice president of Bendure Communications, I am responsible for client management, pitching and securing media opportunities.  I also manage our social media initiatives and head up business development.  I grew up professionally in the advertising and marketing world, starting my career with USA Today.  I co-founded ProAd, an advertising agency that catered to local and regional businesses.  I also had the good fortune to be the CMO of a very cool outdoor apparel company.

Are you involved in any other organizations? 

I am involved in several professional work-related associations and I’m an advisor for a medical tech company and an environmental nonprofit.  Additionally I have served on the board of directors for the American Red Cross and Elmira College.

What are the things you are most proud of?

Personally, my two beautiful daughters.  Professionally I am humbled to be a small part of the important work that our clients are doing for homeless veterans and veterans with post-traumatic stress.

Who were your personal role models?

My mom, who raised four kids – three turned out OK – as a single parent, held down a full-time job and never once complained about her situation.  She always has a great outlook on life. And, Sir Ranulph Fiennes is pretty cool too.

Did your role models offer professional advice that helped you in your career? 

My first boss was quite the entrepreneur, willing to take risks and successfully predict what the next trend would be.  He told me to be very conscious of what was going on around you and in the marketplace… and to ask a lot of questions.

What professional advice do you have for others?  Drive it like you stole it.  Have a sense of urgency in everything that you do and confidence in yourself to do it. Also be proficient at one thing outside of work: music, sports or a hobby – It helps to balance you out.

What advice do you have on what’s appropriate attire for your organization?

Dress for the occasion.  We work in a lot of different settings and environments and sometimes a suit and tie will not cut it.

Where do you buy most of the clothes you wear to the office?

Hugo Boss, Nordstrom, Combatant Gentleman and a great men’s store in Middleburg called Richard Allen.  Flip-flops and tee shirts always come from Target.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

I was once shipwrecked on a deserted island.  It happened back in my misspent youth when a couple of my buddies and I were diving off the Florida Keys for lobster. We were on the Gulf side where there are a lot of mud flats and you really have to pay attention to the water – which we didn’t!  We hit a mud flat which took out our engine and we began to float to Mexico.  Seeing a little island on the horizon, we took turns in the water pulling our boat to shore.  Fortunately there was a sign on the island that told us we had landed on “Little Rabbit Key”.  Our provisions included four cans of root beer and some soggy peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches. We also had a hand-held VHS radio – no cell phones then – and after several hours we were able to reach someone on the mainland who, in-turn called the U.S. Coast Guard on Key Largo.  The four of us settled in for the night on the cushions from the boat and an old tarp, when we heard the sound of an engine in the distance.  Sure enough, it was the Coast Guard that was on patrol for drug runners and had been detoured to pick-up the castaways.  And, at 2:30 in the morning we got the ride of a lifetime ten miles back to the Coast Guard station!

(Check out dozens of profiles under Profiles on the Capitol Communicator website, www.capitolcommunicator.com.)




About the Author

Cade Martin

The only child of a university art professor and freethinker mother, Cade Martin grew up surrounded by shapes and images. His love of art grew out of summer vacations filled with trips to galleries, museums and art studios. At home he often found himself around the dinner table with an eclectic cast of characters – sculptors, writers and painters. They paraded through his childhood, shaping his art foundation and forming his appreciation for the candid beauty found in people from all walks of life. Cade’s been chasing characters ever since. He seeks out their stories-told through the architecture of their faces or the costumes they wear-whether he’s on a commercial production or setting up an Avedon-like photo booth at Comic Con. They are the heroes in his pictures. His thirst for capturing adventures took its hold while shooting stills on movie sets and then as a photographer for National Geographic covering the railways of India. And it is that sense of adventure that Cade brings to his productions elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary with a cinematic touch. It’s not just a picture. He’s committed to the experience, building beautiful environments and, sometimes for his portraits, simply building trust. A talented storyteller, Cade splits his time between the East and West Coasts creating images for editorial, advertising, fashion, and lifestyle clients


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